Le strade si popoleranno di botteghe artigiane degli antichi mestieri (l’oste, l’impagliatore, il tintore, le ricamatrici, gli arcieri ed i costruttori di armature e di usberghi, il fabbro, gli speziali ecc...).
Ci saranno accampamenti di cavalieri teutonici e templari, falconieri che sosteranno sulla terrazza della Torre Matta.
All’entrata del centro storico San Francesco d’Assisi dialogherà con il lupo e reciterà il cantico delle creature.
Nella piazza dell’Immacolata ci saranno Erode ed Erodiade che assistono alla danza dei 7 veli di Salomè e di altre odalische.
L’ultimo giorno ci saranno i tre Re Magi, in groppa ai loro cammelli, che porteranno a Gesù Bambino oro incenso e mirra.
Tutti i figuranti indosseranno abiti risalenti al periodo storico.
Lungomare Terra d’Otranto, Centro Storico e maggiori piazze:
29/12/2007 - orario 17.00-22;
30/12/2007 - orario 10-22;
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giovedì 27 dicembre 2007
Natale Medievale
martedì 25 dicembre 2007
Noel Medieval
Depuis sa création, une succession de chantiers d’insertion et de jeunes bénévoles a permis la réhabilitation d’une grande partie des fortifications extérieures, des tours de flanquement, mais aussi des travaux intra–muros. D’autre part, des manifestations culturelles très fortes ont été créées : « les Créations Théâtrales » ont été lancées,«Rodemack Cité Médiévale en Fête » qui fêtera sa XXVème édition en 2004, et « les Palettes du Patrimoine » sur les Journées des Monuments Historiques, qui ont pris le relais du « Symposium de Peinture » qui avait été lancé en 1991.
mercoledì 19 dicembre 2007
Medieval Christmas
Our word Christmas is derived from the Middle English usage "Christ's Mass," and central to the celebration of the Nativity was the liturgical activity which had been established by the year 600, and did not change in the Middle Ages. In Medieval England there were, in fact, three Masses celebrated on Christmas Day. The first and most characteristic was at midnight (the Angel's Mass), catching up the notion that the light of salvation appeared at the darkest moment of the darkest date in the very depth of winter. The second Christmas Mass came at dawn (the Shepherd's Mass), and the third during the day (the Mass of the Divine Word). The season of Advent, the forty days of leading up to Christmas, was being observed in the Western Church by the year 500. St. Nicholas was a very popular Medieval saint, and his feast day came in Advent (6 December), but he did not play his part in Christmas as Santa Claus until after the Reformation.Also important in the celebration of Christmas was the banquet, which necessarily varied in sumptuosness with the resources of the celebrants. The menu varied with soups and stews, birds and fish, breads and puddings, but a common element was the Yule boar, an animal for those who could afford it or a pie shaped like a boar for more humble tables. Churches and houses were decorated with ivy, mistletoe, holly, or anything green, which remained up until the eve of Candlemass. The gift-giving of the season was represented by the New Year Gift, which continued a tradition of Roman origin. The later Christmas present was not part of a Medieval Christmas. The sorts of things that people might have done to entertain themselves at Christmas apart from eating is succintly summarized in a letter written by Margaret Paston on Christmas Eve 1459 after she had inquired how her Norfolk neighbour, Lady Morley, had conducted her household in mourning the previous Christmas, just after Lady Morley had been widowed:
"...there were no disguisings [acting], nor harping, luting or singing, nor any lewd sports, but just playing at the tables [backgammon] and chess and cards. Such sports she gave her folk leave to play and no other."
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lunedì 17 dicembre 2007
Medieval Russia
A casual glance at the map of Europe and Asia will reveal quite clearly certain of the physical conditions under which Russia has developed. Compared with England, France, or Spain in point of size, what a vast extent of territory is embraced by a single state: running east and west, from the Baltic to the Sea of Kamchatka; and north and south, from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, the Caspian, and, as it may some day appear, the waters of the Indian Ocean. A heritage truly imperial, and offering a greater expanse of continuous land than any other empire. Examined more closely, other features in contrast to the states of western Europe begin to appear. The mountains of Continental Europe lie for the most part in the western and southern quarters. But easterly from the Carpathians, the Continent broadens out into a huge monotonous plain, watered by rivers of considerable length. And were the Ural Mountains correctly appreciatedÑtheir blackness on the ordinary map making them seem much more formidable than they really are, being for the most part only hillsÑit would appear that this vast plain extends almost uninterruptedly from shore to shore of the several bodies of water mentioned above. Scarcely within this enormous expanse of level country is there to be found any one feature which offers itself as a natural frontier or boundary line. The essential unity of the whole, physically, seems to have contributed in no small measure to the political unity which is now fast being achieved.
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Medieval Medecine
lunedì 26 novembre 2007
Medieval Houses
Investigations in Lalibela, Ethiopia, are revealing that Africa's most important historical Christian site is much older than previously thought. Up until now, scholars have regarded the spectacular complex of 11 rock-cut churches as dating from around A.D. 1200, but new survey work carried out by a British archaeologist suggests that three of the churches may have originally been "built" half a millennium earlier as fortifications or other structures in the waning days of the Axumite Empire.
"The discovery will completely change the way historians perceive the origins of Africa's most famous indigenous Christian site," says David Phillipson, professor of African archaeology at Cambridge University. His research, to be fully published next year, suggests that two of the churches, those of Merkurios (a local Ethiopian saint) and the archangel Gabriel, were initially carved out of the rock as some sort of elite palace or fortress complex. A third structure created in that same early period later became the church of Danagel (the Virgin Martyrs). The Merkurios and Gabriel structures were built in highly defensible positions and may well have been the core of a fortified complex created during the politically unstable period that saw the disintegration of the Axumite Empire in the mid-seventh century A.D. At its peak in the third to sixth centuries A.D., that empire controlled much of northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, and at times Yemen and even part of the Nile Valley.go to the site:
sabato 24 novembre 2007
Medievaraldic Pendants
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lunedì 19 novembre 2007
Medieval State of Zeta
Although the Serbs have come to be identified closely with the Eastern Orthodox tradition of Christianity, it is an important indication of the continuing marginality of Zeta that Michael, the first of its rulers to claim the title king, had this honour bestowed on him by Pope Gregory VII in 1077. It was only under the later Nemanjic rulers that the ecclesiastical allegiance of the Serbs to Constantinople was finally confirmed. On the death of Stefan Dusan in 1355, the Nemanjic empire began to crumble, and its holdings were divided among the knez (prince) Lazar Hrebeljanovic, the short-lived Bosnian state of Tvrtko I (reigned 1353-91), and a semi-independent chiefdom of Zeta under the house of Balsa, with its capital at Skadar. Serb disunity coincided fatefully with the arrival in the Balkans of the Ottoman armies, and in 1389 Lazar fell to the forces of Sultan Murad I at the Battle of Kosovo.
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sabato 10 novembre 2007
Medieval Tales
martedì 6 novembre 2007
Medieval routes
work shop
The introductory presentation by Vince Gaffney discussed the major issues and the advantages for the project of computer-modelling systems, and was intended to set the scene for some of the later technical presentations. It considered key historical and archaeological issues related to logistics and military organization, and the relevance of digital technologies for their analysis. Specific emphasis was placed on the potential of GIS as a core technology for logistical study and a basic introduction to the nature and use of GIS technologies was provided for the benefits of participants not familiar with their use. Examples of relevant work were presented and the limitations of current applications and technologies considered.
Malcolm Wagstaff then presented a paper dealing with Network analysis, logistics and applied topology, since any analysis of the logistics of warfare must be concerned with routes and with nodes in networks of routes. Routes focus movement; nodes command intersections. Both are intimately related to the ways in which armies actually move across country and with the ways in which they are provisioned. Routes also mediate power, linking its loci with territory, its peoples and their use of land. They are essential to the exercise of control and the extraction of surplus. Thus, the reconstruction and analysis of the communications structure is basic to the examination of the logistics of medieval warfare in the regions proposed for study. The potential of graph theory in this respect and some of the indices that have been derived from it were discussed, some practical questions of making graph theory operational were presented, and some applications of graph theory published by Sanders and Whitbread were considered.
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sabato 3 novembre 2007
Medieval Plants
giovedì 1 novembre 2007
Medieval Colours
Each 6" by 4" folded card (15cm by 10cm) is made from 100% recycled materials and bears a unique design on the centre of the front cover. The designs comprise a handmade paper background with a foreground of silk dyed with natural dyes and natural artefacts. All the cards are unique and the design may vary from the photograph. go to the site:
mercoledì 31 ottobre 2007
martedì 30 ottobre 2007
Russia Medievale
Quando il prof. A. V. Arcihovskii trovò le prime berjòsty nei suoi scavi a Novgorod nell’estate (è l’unica stagione buona per il lavoro di scavo qui nel Grande Nord) del 1951 (26 luglio) probabilmente non ne rimase molto sorpreso poiché qui e là nelle zone archeologiche dove lavoravano gli altri colleghi delle università statali nell’ex URSS di tali reperti se ne trovavano ogni tanto. E’ vero che, quando lo scritto non era visibile o riconoscibile, gli archeologi li avevano presi per “galleggianti per la pesca”, ma ora il fatto eccezionale fu che con il proseguire degli scavi in pochi mesi di campagna il numero dei reperti salì a varie centinaia! Fino ad oggi (anno 2000) di berjòsty ne sono state catalogate circa un migliaio in questa zona di scavi, ma restano ca. 20.000 reperti simili da mettere ancora in ordine e da decifrare!
Che cosa sono le berjòsty (il singolare è berjòsta in russo)? E’ presto detto! Sono delle strisce oblunghe (da 25 cm fino a 40 cm e oltre) di scorza di betulla di larghezza tipica standard fra i 4 e gli 8 cm sulla cui faccia interna mediante uno stiletto appuntito d’osso o di metallo o di legno (pisàlo in russo) si incidono agevolmente le lettere. Le strisce, per essere così scritte, devono essere preparate immergendole o bollendole in acqua calda per dare loro una maggiore elasticità. A questo punto la striscia inverte la sua proprietà di avvolgersi su se stessa e lo scritto sulla berjòsta arrotolata risulterà ora sulla faccia esterna. Subito dopo l’incisione i solchi infatti imbruniscono e la scrittura è subito leggibile e, se poi le condizioni lo permettono, ecco che queste lettere sui generis riescono a conservarsi per secoli per essere scoperte poi dagli archeologi.
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domenica 28 ottobre 2007
Manuscrits médiévaux
Catalogues et inventaires.présentés par Marie-José Gasse-Grandjean
Ce texte est une version aménagée du second volume de ma thèse intitulée Livres manuscrits et librairies dans les abbayes et les chapitres vosgiens des origines au XVIe siècle, thèse de doctorat en histoire médiévale de l'Université de Nancy 2, préparée sous la direction de Michel Parisse et soutenue en 1989 (2 vol., 752 p. + pl.).
Le premier volume, édité par les Presses Universitaires de Nancy, en 1992, dans la collection Lorraine, sous le titre Les livres dans les abbayes vosgiennes du Moyen Age, présente l'histoire des abbayes vosgiennes et de leurs livres, autour de la fabrication et de l'entretien des livres, de l'office et de la méditation, des études, de la vie littéraire, des librairies et des grands événements qui désorganisèrent celles-ci.
Le second volume, resté inédit, et qui réunit une documentation variée, se prêtait au balisage informatique et ne pouvait trouver meilleur support qu'Internet. Il comprend le catalogue des manuscrits vosgiens conservés, la présentation des anciens catalogues de livres des abbayes vosgiennes et la liste des mentions de livres relevées dans les archives et en particulier dans les livres de comptes romarimontains. Les communautés de Moyenmoutier, Senones, Saint-Dié, Etival, Bonmoutier, Epinal, Remiremont, Hérival, le Saint-Mont ont toutes possédé des manuscrits et inventorié leurs bibliothèques, mais leur activité autour des livres fut très variée.
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venerdì 26 ottobre 2007
Medieval Pilgrimage
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giovedì 11 ottobre 2007
mercoledì 10 ottobre 2007
Medieval Banquets
There’s so much to explore in the setting of this fabulous Grade I listed Historic Hotel. Enjoy the sumptuous stately rooms and the beautiful landscaped gardens. Dreamily beautiful Littlecote House has hosted King Charles II and Elizabeth I. It was here that Henry VIII wooed Jane Seymour. This atmospheric house spans the centuries, with its beautiful Roman Orpheus mosaic and Cromwellian chapel. Explore its ancient rooms, relax in the pool, and enjoy live nightly entertainment.
lunedì 8 ottobre 2007
Medieval Denmark
Denmark has about 1700 preserved medieval churches. Most of them has probably been decorated with wall paintings. Today we have about 600 churches with visible paintings and there are probably many undiscovered paintings behind the many layers of limewash which was used during the 18th and 19th centuries to cover the paintings. The oldest paintings from 1100-1300 are of Romanesque type and were painted by painters imported from south Europe, but during 1300 - 1600 it changed to a Gothic style and Danish painters took over and developed their own style.
During the Protestant Reformation in the 16th and 17th century, some of the pintings were destroyed but fortunatelly most of them was just covered with a layer of whitewash
During the 19th and 20th century these cultural treasures has been rediscovered. Some of them as late as during the last centuries.
martedì 2 ottobre 2007
Money and Coins in Wales
There is a half a chapter on numismatics in the book by Ian Jack:
Jack, R. Ian. Medieval Wales. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1972.
ISBN 0 340 12694 9.
Jack has a couple of pages on the coin struck for Hywel Dda in the 10th century and briefly discusses claims that other Welsh princes issued coins. The only one of these that Jack attaches much credence to is a report by Edward Lhuyd in 1698 that the Bishop of Bangor told him that one of his relations had possessed a coin issued by Llewelyn ab Iorwerth, or Llywelyn the Great, (who became Prince of Gwynedd in about 1197 and extended his rule over much of the rest of Wales in the next two decades, his reign ending with his death in 1240). Lhyud said that the Bishop (whose knowledge of Old Welsh was claimed by Lhyud himself to be even greater than his own) had shown the coin to many of his acquaintances who confirmed his story.
Lhuyd's account seems to imply that the coin had unfortunately been lost by the time he was told the story. Jack is much more sceptical of claims for coin production by other Welsh princes and concludes his discussion of the minting activities of native princes thus: "the evidence amounts to one virtually certain coin, one very doubtful coin of a doubtful prince, one well-attested lost piece of Llywelyn the Great and some lost triangular curiosities. With Norman and Angevin mintings in Wales, the evidence, though still uncomfortably scanty, is much more circumstantial." (page 201). English coins may have circulated in Wales to some extent before the conquest, but even as late as the 14th century payment in cattle was still very common. (See Davies, R.R. The age of conquest: Wales 1063-1415. Oxford: O.U.P.,1987).
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venerdì 28 settembre 2007
Strumenti musicali del Medioevo
mercoledì 26 settembre 2007
Les Machines du Moyen Age
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martedì 25 settembre 2007
Knights and Armor
Like most periods in history, the era of knights evolved gradually. The term "knight" originates from the Anglo-Saxon name for a boy: "cniht". Indeed, most early knights were not much more than hired "boys" who performed military service and took oaths of loyalty to any well-to-do nobleman or warlord offering the most promise of money or war booty.
In the chaos and danger of post-Roman Western Europe, the population had very little organized governmental protection from brigands and conquering warbands. Knowing there was safety in numbers, local lords (who could afford it) gathered around them young, fighting-age men to fend off rebellious vassals or conquering neighbors. These men, in turn, were rewarded with war booty for their service and loyalty. Soon, grants of land were made so the young soldiers could receive an income from those lands and afford the high cost of outfitting themselves with the accoutrements of war, such as horses, armor, and weapons. The era of the medieval knight had begun.
It wasn't long before some knights began to treat their land grants as hereditary rights (usually transferring ownership to the eldest son upon death), thus beginning the rise of knights as a "landed" class whose importance went beyond simply being a military "free-agent". Knights soon found themselves involved in local politics, the dispensation of justice, and numerous other required tasks for their sovereign, or liege lord.
go to the site: www.knightsandarmor.com/history.htm
giovedì 13 settembre 2007
Je ne me lancerai pas ici dans une histoire de la musique instrumentale pendant cette période. Retenons seulement quelques grandes idées. La musique du Moyen Age est avant tout une musique vocale.
Jusqu'au XIII° siècle, le nombre d'instruments utilisés était très limité: les témoignages sont très discrets et les restes archéologiques encore moins nombreux. Les sculptures romanes sont la principale source pour la restitution de ces instruments.
A partir du XIII° siècle, des instruments variés apparaissent dans l'iconographie. Un certain nombre semble venir du Moyen-Orient, par la route des Croisades mais sans doute plus encore par l'Espagne, encore en grande partie musulmane.
Connaissant alors une évolution indépendante de celle des instruments orientaux, ils donnent progressivement, du XIII° au XVI° siècle, de nouveaux modèles. Certains sont abandonnés du fait de leurs limites. D'autres au contraire se normalisent à travers de nouvelles techniques de fabrication et donnent, au XVII° siècle, les instruments que nous connaissons aujourd'hui.
Les instruments d'origine sont très peu nombreux, et même inexistants avant le XV° siècle.
Les archéologues ont mis à jour des restes d'instruments, trop souvent partiels et déformés par le temps.
La principale source permettant de reconstituer ces instruments est donc l'iconographie. Enluminures, vitraux, fresques, sculptures,... font apparaître une grande variété de modèles. Encore faut-il trier ce qui relève de la fantaisie de l'artiste et ce qui est plausible.
lunedì 10 settembre 2007
Medieval Jewelry
Few medieval jewels have come down to posterity. Because of the inherent value of their materials, many were destroyed, or rather, constantly recycled: they were melted down and reused in newer, more fashionable pieces. However, the significance of medieval jewelry goes far beyond its material or decorative value. Precious objects communicated complex meanings and connotations and thus constituted an indispensable part of the medieval language of signs.
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venerdì 7 settembre 2007
Medieval sights
go to the site: www.evergreen.loyola.edu/~fbauerschmidt/HN240_00_images.html
mercoledì 5 settembre 2007
Relitti medievali
L'antico insediamento è stato rintracciato alla fine degli anni '60 da Ernesto Canal, Ispettore onorario della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto.
Nella zona individuata, tra il 1996 e il 1997 Magistrato alle Acque - Consorzio Venezia Nuova, di concerto con la Soprintendenza Archeologica - Nucleo Archeologia Umida Subacquea Italia Centro Alto Adriatico (NAUSICAA), hanno eseguito specifici rilievi archeologici nell'ambito di un progetto per lo scavo di canali e la ricostruzione di barene nell'area compresa tra le casse di colmata e Venezia.
Nel corso di queste attività di rilievo, ai margini dell'antico isolotto sommerso sono stati rinvenuti due antichi vascelli che, nel XIV secolo, furono zavorrati, affondati e ancorati con grossi pali perché servissero da casseri per il rialzo delle rive dell'isola, minacciata dagli allagamenti.
Un espediente che servì per breve tempo: pochi decenni dopo l'isola e il monastero agostiniano che vi sorgeva dovettero essere abbandonati.
Subito dopo la scoperta (1), i due scafi sono stati oggetto di indagini parziali per accertarne natura e datazione. Limitate sezioni trasversali di scavo hanno consentito di appurare che un relitto era attribuibile a un'imbarcazione da trasporto a fondo piatto, mentre l'altro relitto poteva essere identificato con una galea, per la caratteristica forma allungata dello scafo e la presenza della tipica scassa nella zona prodiera arretrata. Si trattava di una scoperta di grandissima importanza e unica nel suo genere. Per la prima volta in assoluto veniva individuato un relitto di galea grazie al quale poter conoscere le tecniche costruttive ancora segrete dei Priori dell'arsenale di Venezia.
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domenica 2 settembre 2007
Medieval Monastery in Taillin
It is a program that introduces the Dominican Monastery in Tallinn by exhibiting parts of the building that have firmly stood the test of time and are of great historical interest. As confirmed by art historians (E. Tool-Marran, The dominican monastery in Tallinn, p. 49), „rooms still remaining from the three-winged Claustrum can be found in the east wing where the most specific and also the most important rooms of the monastery – Sacristy, chapter room, dormitory for monks, prior's living quarters, library, refectory, etc. – were located
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venerdì 31 agosto 2007
Marriage during the Middle Ages
martedì 28 agosto 2007
Medieval Cakes
The center part (minus the turnable page) for my 65th birthday cake. Borders copy one from a medieval page along with my arms and the SCA symbol for the Order of the Rose. The arms and rose are on rice paper and painted with paste food colors. Left hand text is a "bastard" mixture of Latin, English and Spanish. Right hand page is a copy of text from a 16th century book of manners. Writing is done with a number 1 tip.
giovedì 23 agosto 2007
Medieval clocks
Then, Brother Gerbert, who later became Pope Sylvester II, invented a simple mechanism in 966 that rang bells at regular intervals throughout the day to call his brethren to prayer. It was the beginning of mechanical clocks as we know them today.
Soon, cathedral towers were providing the rest of the faithful with their first glimpse of a right proper (although not always accurate) mechanical clock.
The earliest of these is credited to Jacopo de Dondi, who designed an astronomical clock for the cathedral tower in Padua in 1344. Curiously, almost every zodiac sign surrounds the clock face except for the balanced scales of Libra. (As the story goes, it was deliberately left out of the lineup by guild workers who felt they weren't treated fairly in salary negotiations.)
Strasbourg Cathedral's mechancial clock appeared in 1354, and was followed by the third, and most elaborate mechanical clock, built in Prague's Town Hall in 1410.
This being the Middle Ages, the Prague clock depicted earth at the center of the universe - with the sun, moon, and stars revolving around it. Blue and red halves separated day and night. With embellishments added over the centuries, today the clock remains a veritable funhouse of timekeeping.
sabato 18 agosto 2007
Saintes et travesties du Moyen Âge
Recluses, ermites ou engagées dans le monde, les saintes travesties sont nombreuses jusqu’à la fin du Moyen Âge. Ayant valeur de transgression et/ou d’initiation, le travestissement permet à Thècle, Pélagie, Marguerite, Marine ou Eugénie de redéfinir non seulement la notion de virginité mais d’affirmer une sainteté au nom d’une intégrité qui dérange les catégories sexuées et renverse les notions de genre. D’autres, comme Galla, Paula ou Wilgeforte, délivrent de l’antagonisme des sexes. Et toutes, jusqu’à Jeanne d’Arc, bouleversent la destinée des femmes en perturbant l’ordre temporel des hommes. Ainsi apparaît la conquête d’un nouveau corps à travers la mission chrétienne et l’expérience mystique, qui déjoue la nature de femme et les vertus masculines. Vai al sito: http://clio.revues.org/document253.html
giovedì 16 agosto 2007
Medieval ships
Pärnu River by a newly built pier of the yacht club. The wreck lay embedded under a 30-40 cm layer of mud at the depth of 1.5 m of water. Before dredging was stopped temporarily, a certain amount of fragments of the ship's planks and ribs were taken ashore by an excavator.On May 24, 1990, a preliminary inspection of the wreck site was carried out by the researchers of the Estonian Maritime Museum . Having seen that the ship's wood was black oak, the researchers decided that the find would need most serious attention and detailed investigation, so the digging of the river bottom could not be continued.In July a thoroughgoing research of the wreck was made. The site of the object was explored by means of iron rods and the measurements of the find were ascertained.
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sabato 11 agosto 2007
Castilian Medieval Theatre
Things have changed after discovering of new texts and a comparative study of our theater inside a romanic context. Indeed finding of lost plays is always possible and can modify our present point of view.
Anyway, we still ignore wich were the literary works devoted to scene and wich were texts for an animated reading.
Tradition has chosen between the canon of possible texts, those that could be performed or not. We respect the scholar's authority when we introduce this exposition of medieval theatre, but we point out to the provisional nature of our view. Scholar authority let us go beyond the limits of year 1500: we stablish 1513 for medieval theater and 16th century for derivations of La Celestina.
We cannot even assert many things on performance of our masterwork, the Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. These pages will be no more than a guiding introduction.
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mercoledì 8 agosto 2007
Manuscrits médiévaux
Ce texte est une version aménagée du second volume de ma thèse intitulée Livres manuscrits et librairies dans les abbayes et les chapitres vosgiens des origines au XVIe siècle, thèse de doctorat en histoire médiévale de l'Université de Nancy 2, préparée sous la direction de Michel Parisse et soutenue en 1989 (2 vol., 752 p. + pl.).
Le premier volume, édité par les Presses Universitaires de Nancy, en 1992, dans la collection Lorraine, sous le titre Les livres dans les abbayes vosgiennes du Moyen Age, présente l'histoire des abbayes vosgiennes et de leurs livres, autour de la fabrication et de l'entretien des livres, de l'office et de la méditation, des études, de la vie littéraire, des librairies et des grands événements qui désorganisèrent celles-ci.
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martedì 7 agosto 2007
Art in medieval Hungary
This site serves as an introductory research guide to the art of the medieval kingdom of Hungary. The kingdom, founded in 1000 AD, covered a much larger territory than modern Hungary, and included areas such as present-day Slovakia, Transylvania (today in Romania), as well as Croatia. The kingdom reached its peak during the 14th and 15th centuries, under rulers from the Angevin, Luxemburg and Hunyadi families, but essentially collapsed during the Turkish attacks of the early 16th century.
The site contains information primarily about the art of medieval Hungary, but the topic is framed in a larger Central-European context, with links to sites dealing with the medieval art of Bohemia, Poland and Austria as well. The main goals of this page at the moment are to provide an up to date list of publications about the region's medieval art and provide fresh information about medieval art in Hungary, as well as to collect useful Internet links.
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sabato 4 agosto 2007
During the excavation of the early Christian basilica at the locality Plaosnik (Imaret), remnants of secular Slavic architecture were found. It is believed that this building dates from the earliest period after the migration of the Slavs on the Balkan. n the middle of the 6th decade of 20th century, during the examination of Clement's church of St. Pantheleimon at Plaosnik (Imaret), it was found that the church was established on the remnants of an early Christian trefoil basilica. In Clement's life the church was built onto towards the west. According to Theopilact of Ohrid's "Life of St. Clement", Clement himself built his tomb. It is presumed that the church St. Pantheleimon was refurbished and decorated with frescoes in XIII century. Some further construction works were carried out until XV century, when the church was destroyed and converted into a mosque.On the site of the classical theatre, in the layers of the medieval horizons, a large number of ceramic pots have been found. Their distinctive shape and ornaments obviously indicate that one of the main crafts of Slavs was pottery.On the line starting from Gorna Porta (the Upper Gate), the excavations revealed the existence of a road. On its Northwest side the remnants of the original gate and curbstone were discovered. The road stretched in the northeast-southwest direction and towards the classical theatre. It had as much as 7.4 metres in length, and the curbstone 0.45 m. All examinations indicate that it was used even in the late Middle Ages.On a number of archaeological sites in the old part of the town several water reservoirs, underground pipelines, and large number of drains were found. This confirms the well-known thesis according to which Ohrid was a real centre in the Middle Ages, developed according to the example of the series of famous centres.
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lunedì 30 luglio 2007
Russian Medieval Castles
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lunedì 23 luglio 2007
giovedì 19 luglio 2007
Medieval Drinks
n the 13th Century, hydromel, composed of one part of honey and twelve parts of water, was especially appreciated by the monks, who feasted on it on the great anniversaries of the Church. Cider was also popular, and in the 13th Century, the inhabitants of the Auge and Normandy made cider their daily drink. Our forefathers, who loved dainty dishes, were also connoisseurs in wine. The cultivation of the vine became general, and kings themselves planted them, even in the gardens of their palaces. The wine became the most appreciated of all Medieval Drinks, and the wine trade had acquired an enormous importance, especially in France.
The trade of a wine-merchant is one of the oldest established in Paris, but this does not mean that the sale of wine was exclusively carried on by special tradesmen. For a long time, the owner of the vineyard retailed the wine which he had not been able to sell in the cask. A broom, a laurel wreath, or some other sign hung over a door, denoted that any one passing by could purchase or drink wine within. Sometimes, the wine-growers placed a man before the door of their cellar, who enticed the public to enter and taste the new wines. Others established a tavern in a room of their house, where they retail the drink. The monks also opened this kind of taverns in the monasteries, as they only consumed part of their wine themselves. The custom was adopted even by the nobles, who had the advantage that, whilst they were retailing their wines, no one in the district was allowed to enter into the competition with them.
The wines of France in most request from the 9th to the 13th Century were those of Cahors, Rheims, Choisy, Marne, Meulan, Orleanais. In the 13th Century, wines like the Beaune, in Burgundy, the Saint-Emilion in Guyenne, Chablis, Epernay, in Champagne, were much appreciated. In the 14th Century, a man of fashion would drink nothing but Saint-Pourçain.
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mercoledì 18 luglio 2007
Medieval Library and collections
sabato 7 luglio 2007
Islamic Medical Manuscripts
Medicine was a central part of medieval Islamic culture. Disease and health were of importance to rich and poor alike, as indeed they are in every civilization. Responding to circumstances of time and place, Islamic physicians and scholars developed a large and complex medical literature exploring and synthesizing the theory and practice of medicine. This extensive literature was not specialized in the sense that modern medical literature is. Rather, it was integrated with learned traditions in philosophy, natural science, mathematics, astrology, alchemy, and religion. go to the site:
giovedì 5 luglio 2007
Medieval Arab Cookery
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mercoledì 4 luglio 2007
Medieval world in maps: the Arab world
Medieval arabic history in maps:
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sabato 30 giugno 2007
Meideval Russian Life
The Huns arrived in the fourth century A.D. from Central Asia, after having been blocked from eastward movement by the construction of the Great Wall of China. They crushed the Alans between the Don River and the Sea of Azov. Many Alans fled west, pursued by the Huns, who then fought the Goths. This movement of the Huns gave rise to the "Great Migration of Peoples" as it caused massive dislocations. They forced the Visigoths (West Goths) and Ostrogoths (East Goths) and Alans out of the Eurasian plain. The Visigoths went to southern Gaul, then Spain. The Ostrogoths went to Thrace, then conquered Italy, destroying the Western Roman Empire. A group of the Alans moved into the Caucasus Mountains and became the Ossetians. (Joseph Stalin was Ossetin.) The Huns peaked under Attila and attacked the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire in 447, invaded Frankish Gaul in 451 and attacked Italy in 452. Fortunately for all of western Europe, Attila died in 453 and his empire crumbled. But many historians believe that it was during this period of the Great Migration of Peoples that the Slavs began to migrate out of central and eastern Europe - heading east, south and west
After the Huns came the Avars, a mixed people of Turkish, Mongolian and Chinese decent, who conquered in the mid-sixth century and created a state reaching from the Volga River to the Elbe. They were powerful enough to pressure the Byzantine Empire into paying tribute in 581, and the Byzantine sources make it clear that Slavic groups were included in the Avar campaigns - refered to as Sclaveni. The Avars ruled (and oppressed according to the oldest Russian histories) until the seventh century when they were defeated by the Byzantine Empire.
In the eighth century, the nomadic Turkic Khazars arrived along the Black and Caspian seas to rule over the array of peoples now living in the Eurasian plain - Huns, Avars, Antes, Altaic Turks and Slavs. The Khazars developed lively trading relationships with the Byzantine Empire to the west and the rising Arab Empire to the east, and served as the middlemen between these two empires and the tribes living to the north. As a result, south Russia as a fairly cosmopolitan region at this time. Also by the eighth century, Slavic tribes had settled permanently along the Dnieper River, forming the basis for the future Kievan state.
In summary, there is no definite evidence of Slavs in the Eurasian plain until the sixth century, when Slavic or proto-Slavic tribes had moved east out of central Europe and spread along the Dnieper to form the nucleus of the eastern Slavs - the "Great Russians", the "White Russians" (Byelorussians) and the "Little Russians" (Ukrainians). Other Slavic tribes moved south into the Balkans and gave rise to the southern Slavs - Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, and Bulgars. Slavic tribes also moved west to become the western Slavs - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Moravians, Kashubs and Wends.
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mercoledì 27 giugno 2007
Famous men of Middle Age
In the fifth century some of these people occupied a region in the south of Spain. One of their most celebrated kings was name Genseric (Gen’-ser-ic). He became king in 427, when he was but twenty-one years of age. He was lame in one leg and looked as if he were a very ordinary person.
Like most of the Vandals, he was a cruel and cunning man, but he had great ability in many ways. He fought in battles even when a boy and was known far and wide for his bravery and skill as a leader.
About the time that Genseric became king, the governor of the Roman province in the north of Africa, on the Mediterranean coast, was a man called Count Boniface. This Count Boniface had been a good and loyal officer of Rome; but a plot was formed against him by Aëtius, the general who had fought Attila at Châlons. The Roman emperor at the time of the plot was Valentinian III. He was then too young to act as ruler, so the affairs of government were managed by his mother Placidia (Pla-cid’-i-a).
Aëtius advised Placidia to dismiss Boniface and call him home from Africa. He said the count was a traitor, and that he was going to make war against Rome. At the same time he wrote secretly to Count Boniface and told him that if he came to Rome the empress would put him to death.
Boniface believed this story, and he refused to return to Rome. He also sent a letter to Genseric, inviting him to come to Africa with an army. Genseric was greatly delighted to receive the invitation from Boniface. He had long wanted to attack Rome and take from her some of the rich countries she had conquered, and now a good opportunity offered. So he got ready a great army of his brave Vandals, and they sailed across the Strait of Gibraltar to Africa.
lunedì 25 giugno 2007
Medieval Scotland
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sabato 23 giugno 2007
Le Bestiaire
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venerdì 22 giugno 2007
Shepherds Meeting on Mount Jina - a live insight on Transylvania’s traditions and customs.
The most famous Romanian Castles - always a good reason to travel to Transylvania - Peles Castle the most beautiful royal residences in Europe and Bran Castle - the place where Vlad the Impaller, also known as Dracula, was arrested and imprisoned.
Biertan - architectural jewellery, famous for its Fortified Church, you’ll find here the finest selection of handicraft in Romania.
Sibiu - chosen as the European Cultural capital of 2007, former Saxons capital in Transylvania, and its renown Village Museum.
Bears Cave - got its name from the skeletons of some very old species of bear (Ursus Spelaeus) that were found here.
Bicazului Gorges - the highest Romanian gorges and the famous Red Lake also called Killer Lake due to the pine trees that point out of the water like a forest of stakes.
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