The village of S. Stefano di Sessanio is between most evocative of the National Park of the Gran Sasso and Mounts of the Laga; constructed completely in limestone stone white woman, it is considered between beautifulst of Abruzzi for the values acclimatizes them, for the architectonic honor and the for of the style homogeneity.The loggiati ones from the elegant line, bloomed the portali disposed to arc with formelle belong to the dominion of the Medici , the windows in stone fine worked and decorated from expert hands, the wonderful double lancet windows and the consoles of the balconies.Existing true and also own it does not wall of defense, in the village there are buildings without solution of continuities that had the function of house-wall, as they show also the rare and small windows. Covering the tortuose narrow lanes of the 1400's rooms admire, between which the House of the Captain and the going back Tower to the 1300's from whose top opens to the look a panorama that embraces goes them to them of Tirino and the Aterno.
giovedì 31 gennaio 2008
Medieval Sight
medieval jewish
martedì 29 gennaio 2008
Animaux Medievaux
En 1386, à Falaise, en Normandie, une truie mal surveillée provoque un drame en dévorant un nourrisson dans son berceau. Elle est capturée et jetée en prison, comme tout criminel, homme ou femme, l’aurait été. Au tribunal, le procès dure neuf jours. Le deffendeur de l’animal se montre peu efficace devant l’énormité du crime. Le juge déclare la truie coupable d’infanticide et la condamne à être suppliciée et à mourir sur l’échafaud. Au jour dit, vêtue d’habits d’homme, la truie est traînée à travers la ville jusqu’à l’échafaud, devant une foule nombreuse, composée en partie d’autres porcs, ses congénères. Le bourreau lui fait subir les mêmes mutilations qu’elle a infligées au petit enfant qu’elle a tué : il lui coupe le groin et lui entaille la cuisse. Puis il la coiffe d’un masque humain et, toujours devant la foule en émoi, il la pend par les jarrets à une fourche de bois jusqu’à ce que mort s’ensuive. Selon la coutume, le corps de la truie criminelle est ensuite traîné à nouveau sur la place. Enfin, ses restes sont dépecés et brûlés, en signe d’infamie.
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lunedì 28 gennaio 2008
Medieval events
What you will see on these pages are only a few of the outfits that we have made. Don't worry if you cannot find an example of what you are looking for; the only reason for this is that you haven't asked us to make it for you yet.
Most of our outfits are custom made for our clients. We do not believe in making you have what we want to sell you, we would rather you came to us and told us what you want, then allow us to make it just for you. So if you have a favourite dress from the movies or gown from a romantic painting or even your own idea, drop us an email and let us help you to fulfil your dream.
Although we specialise in making medieval costume, we can also produce any period of historic costume as either authentic or fantasy outfits. We also make a wide range of cloaks for all occasions.
Most of our outfits are custom made for our clients. We do not believe in making you have what we want to sell you, we would rather you came to us and told us what you want, then allow us to make it just for you. So if you have a favourite dress from the movies or gown from a romantic painting or even your own idea, drop us an email and let us help you to fulfil your dream.
Although we specialise in making medieval costume, we can also produce any period of historic costume as either authentic or fantasy outfits. We also make a wide range of cloaks for all occasions.
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venerdì 25 gennaio 2008
Medieval Horse Guild
The Medieval Horse Guild is a group of horsemen and horsewomen who occasionally cast off the trappings of modern life and cloak themselves in the pageantry of the Medieval Period. As a group they engage in a variety of activities ranging from the study of the techniques of horsemanship in the Middle Ages to participating in parades and battle recreations.In parades, the Horse Guild attempts to provide a colorful spectacle which will delight the parade onlookers. Members are encouraged to make their own medieval costumes and armor as well as tack for their mounts that is appropriate to the period being portrayed.The Horse Guild is affiliated with other, unmounted, medievalist groups, notably the Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia. Together, they participate in recreations of famous historical battles.Equestrian games are a popular activity of the Horse Guild. These are modern adaptations of the medieval equestrian games used to instill in the young knights the skills they would need to carry into battle. The modern versions of the games are carefully designed for the safety of both horse and rider but still serve the same purpose that they served for the knights; riding skill and confidence and a feeling of cooperation between man and horse that is essential for the enjoyment of horseback riding.
go to the site.
giovedì 24 gennaio 2008
Medieval Aberdeen Project
Environment is a very wide term that we all use today but might be hard-pressed to explain. Weather, climate, global warming, pollution, protection of animals and habitats, conservation of natural resources and of the heritage might all spring to mind; while living conditions and family background might also feature in our definition.In discovering information about past environments, archaeology and historical archives are valuable resources. In Scotland, Aberdeen is unique in possessing archaeological remains of medieval date alongside preserved Council Registers dating back to 1398.
The Environment of Medieval Aberdeen Project began in 2001 with the aim of using such resources to enhance knowledge of the city and its residents between the 12th and the 17th centuries.
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mercoledì 23 gennaio 2008
medieval trees
Medieval trees of virtues and vices depicted a spectrum of human qualities, from the basest earthliness (capital vices) to heavenly righteousness (cardinal virtues). They provided a structure in which monks could interpret and contemplate the associations between each abstraction. In the trees of Beinecke MS 416, chief virtues and vices are linked to subordinate traits, which make explicit the connections between various good and evil qualities. In this framework, monks learned to associate minor sins with greater vices and good qualities with principal virtues.
The seven clusters of fruit on the tree of virtues and tree of vices have a biblical origin: the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5.22. In our diagrams the fruits and branches of the tree of virtues point to toward Heaven, while the withering branches of the tree of vices droop toward Hell.
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The seven clusters of fruit on the tree of virtues and tree of vices have a biblical origin: the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5.22. In our diagrams the fruits and branches of the tree of virtues point to toward Heaven, while the withering branches of the tree of vices droop toward Hell.
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martedì 15 gennaio 2008
Medieval Hawk
The hawk has great courage in a small body; its determination arms it better than its claws do. It is called a robber bird because it greedily snatches food from other birds. The hawk is known as a harsh parent, refusing to feed its young when they are able to fly, but rather beating them with its wings to drive them out of the nest. This is done to teach them to catch prey while they are still young, so that they will not become lazy when they are adults. There are two kinds of hawks: wild hawks, which catch and eat domestic birds; and tame hawks, which return the wild birds they catch to their master. When its feathers become old, the hawk heats its wings in a warm wind to loosen the feathers and make them fall out; if there is no warm wind, the hawk beats its wings to heat them.
domenica 13 gennaio 2008
Medieval Saints: sources
Saints' lives are a major resource for anyone concerned with the history of ancient times. As one might expect, a great deal can be learned about the religious life of the periods.
Such lives are also our best sources for basic social and cultural history, they provide information on daily life, food and drink, organization of society and the impact of commerce, relations and specific dates for military and political history.
Such lives are also our best sources for basic social and cultural history, they provide information on daily life, food and drink, organization of society and the impact of commerce, relations and specific dates for military and political history.
venerdì 11 gennaio 2008
Recreational Medievalism
Medieval Falconery
Velkommen til Skandinaviens første hjemmeside om falkejagt. Her kan du læse om falkejagt som den praktiseres i Nordeuropa, om falkejagten' historie i Skandinavien og falkejagtens betingelser i Danmark. Måske vil den også inspirere til at starte med denne traditionsrige, ældgamle og økologiske jagtform. I så fald skal man vide at falkonér bliver man ikke på internettet, eller ved at læse nok så mange af de bøger, der refereres til på disse sider. Mange af siderne er skrevet ud fra den antagelse at læseren ingen eller kun ringe kendskab har til falkejagt. Besøgende danske falkonérer vil forhåbentlig finde boglisterne i "Bibliotheca Accipitraria", aktivitetskalenderen, jagthistorierne i "I kaminilden's skær" og kapitlerne om kultur & historie interessante.
I erkendelse af at det største publikum til en hjemmeside om falkejagt, skal findes udenfor Skandinavien, findes mange sider kun på engelsk.
I erkendelse af at det største publikum til en hjemmeside om falkejagt, skal findes udenfor Skandinavien, findes mange sider kun på engelsk.
giovedì 10 gennaio 2008
Medieval Women
Dr. Vess's Medieval Monasticism Web site contains quite a bit of information on women in the medieval world. See especially the pages on Benedictine Monasticism, Anglo-Saxon Monasticism, Merovingian Monasticism, Medieval monastic women, and Irish monasticism for materials related to women in the Middle Ages.
The Beguines
Feminae Medieval Women and Gender Index great place to do a bibliographic search. indexes articles relating to several geographic regions.
Medieval women page from Georgetown Labyrinth. several dead links. no longer actively maintained.
Monastic Matrix set of resources for the study of medieval monastic women.
Interactive Exploration of Medieval and Renaissance Women
Several primary sources relating to women in medieval Europe from the Internet Women's History Sourcebook
Monographs, articles and other resources on medieval women from Questia.
Dominion and Domination of the Gentle Sex: The Lives of Medieval Women a thinkquest site.
go to the site:
The Beguines
Feminae Medieval Women and Gender Index great place to do a bibliographic search. indexes articles relating to several geographic regions.
Medieval women page from Georgetown Labyrinth. several dead links. no longer actively maintained.
Monastic Matrix set of resources for the study of medieval monastic women.
Interactive Exploration of Medieval and Renaissance Women
Several primary sources relating to women in medieval Europe from the Internet Women's History Sourcebook
Monographs, articles and other resources on medieval women from Questia.
Dominion and Domination of the Gentle Sex: The Lives of Medieval Women a thinkquest site.
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mercoledì 9 gennaio 2008
Livres medievaux
Cet axe de recherche est consacré à l'étude du livre, considéré à la fois comme un objet physique, comme le produit commercial d'une activité artisanale ou proto-industrielle et, cela va de soi, comme la concrétisation d'un objectif culturel dont il constitue le support indispensable. Si les recherches que nous avons développées jusqu'à présent portent essentiellement sur l'Occident médiéval, rien n'empêche (et c'est même souhaitable) qu'elles s'étendent en amont et en aval, depuis l'Antiquité tardive jusqu'au début de l'Âge moderne, ainsi qu'à toutes les aires linguistiques et culturelles. C'est d'ailleurs ce qui se produit déjà pour le monde byzantin. Pourquoi l'histoire du livre médiéval fait-elle l'objet d'un axe pécifique ? Ce parti pris mérite quelques explications. Il découle, essentiellement, d'une réaction nécessaire au statut de subordination dont l'étude de l'objet matériel et, bien qu'en moindre mesure, celle de l'écriture qui en recouvre les pages, ont souffert pendant longtemps. En effet, ces disciplines ont été trop souvent orientées au service d'objectifs scientifiques extérieurs au monde du livre et, aujourd'hui encore, elles sont considérées presque partout " notamment dans les Universités de la plupart des pays " comme une branche parmi d'autres de ce qu'on appelle les « sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire ». Cette distorsion n'est pas inexplicable : ce que l'on demande à un livre, c'est avant tout (et pour ainsi dire « spontanément «) son âge et son origine, car dater et localiser l'objet signifie dater et localiser le texte, l'écriture et les images qu'il contient. Aussi, l'observation de l'objet-livre est-elle fréquemment orientée par les intérêts de l'expertise : se fiant à ses souvenirs et à son flair, l'»expert « s'efforce, bien souvent sur demande, de dater e de localiser les manuscrits. Ce travail d'attribution ne peut en fait s'appuyer, dans la plupart des cas, que sur les éléments graphiques et décoratifs. Les caractéristiques matérielles de l'objet, étant beaucoup plus stables dans le temps et dans l'espace, sont d'un faible secours, et cela explique pourquoi elles ont été systématiquement négligées jusqu'à une époque récente.
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martedì 8 gennaio 2008
Mongol Empire
The history of Russia has always been a relatively sad and tumultuous one wrought with wars, power struggles, and abrupt changes. These changes have often been forcibly thrust wholesale upon Russia, rather than evolving through gradual, measured methods as in most peoples’ histories. From an earlier time, in which we know Russia as ‘Kievan Rus,’ the princes of the various cities (such as Vladimir, Pskov, Suzdal, and Kiev) constantly battled and bickered for power and control of the small semi-united state. Under the reigns of St. Vladimir (980-1015) and Yaroslav the Wise (1015-1054), the Kievan state was at its highest point and attained relative peace in contrast with years past. However, as history went, once the reigning rulers died, a power struggle ensued and wars once again flared.
It was perhaps the decision of Yaroslav the Wise before his death in 1054 to assign princedoms to his sons that set the future of Kievan Russia for the next two hundred years. Following this decision, civil wars between the various sons ravaged much of the Kievan confederation, draining it of essential resources it would later need. As the princes incessantly fought with each other, the confederation of cities known as the Kievan state slowly decayed, declined, and lost its former glory. Further weakened by the incursions of steppe tribes such as the Polovtsy (aka Cumans/Kumans or Kipchaks) and previously by the Pechenegs, eventually the Kievan state was ripe for a takeover by more powerful invaders from distant lands.
It was perhaps the decision of Yaroslav the Wise before his death in 1054 to assign princedoms to his sons that set the future of Kievan Russia for the next two hundred years. Following this decision, civil wars between the various sons ravaged much of the Kievan confederation, draining it of essential resources it would later need. As the princes incessantly fought with each other, the confederation of cities known as the Kievan state slowly decayed, declined, and lost its former glory. Further weakened by the incursions of steppe tribes such as the Polovtsy (aka Cumans/Kumans or Kipchaks) and previously by the Pechenegs, eventually the Kievan state was ripe for a takeover by more powerful invaders from distant lands.
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lunedì 7 gennaio 2008
Medieval Orthodox Chants
Saint Luke's Serbian Orthodox Mission has receintly published a new and unique Liturgical Handbook with the blessing of His Eminence the Bishop of the American - Canadian Diocese Longin.
This book is printed by "Saint Basil of Ostrog" Printing house from Niksic (Montenegro) and it is published in cooperation with The Serbian Orthodox Choral Association (S.O.C.A.).
The handbook contains the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, Feastdays of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the Theotokos, Resurrectional Troparia, Kontakia, Prokeimena and Pontifical Liturgy; with musical notation for traditional Serbian chant and Biblical references. It includes extensive instructions for service order on feastdays and pontifical Liturgy (typicon) - all highlighted in red.
This fully bilingual book, in Serbian (Cyrillic) and English on facing pages, provides the parishioner a valuable aid to follow the Liturgy throughout the year in either the Serbian or the English language It is also a complete resource book for choirs and directors.
Musical notation is provided with musical text in Church Slavonic, as it is still most often sung in Serbian churches. The Liturgical melodies are based on those recorded by Stevan S. Mokranjac with some modifications. go to the site:
This book is printed by "Saint Basil of Ostrog" Printing house from Niksic (Montenegro) and it is published in cooperation with The Serbian Orthodox Choral Association (S.O.C.A.).
The handbook contains the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, Feastdays of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the Theotokos, Resurrectional Troparia, Kontakia, Prokeimena and Pontifical Liturgy; with musical notation for traditional Serbian chant and Biblical references. It includes extensive instructions for service order on feastdays and pontifical Liturgy (typicon) - all highlighted in red.
This fully bilingual book, in Serbian (Cyrillic) and English on facing pages, provides the parishioner a valuable aid to follow the Liturgy throughout the year in either the Serbian or the English language It is also a complete resource book for choirs and directors.
Musical notation is provided with musical text in Church Slavonic, as it is still most often sung in Serbian churches. The Liturgical melodies are based on those recorded by Stevan S. Mokranjac with some modifications. go to the site:
domenica 6 gennaio 2008
L'Epifania Medievale
Per una volta i Re Magi non arriveranno dall’Oriente, ma da Cassino, grazie alla prima traduzione in italiano dell’eccezionale «Libro delle gesta e del viaggio dei tre Re», scritto nel ’300 da Giovanni di Hildesheim, un carmelitano che percorse in lungo e in largo l’Oriente, raccogliendo fonti arabe e persiane per raccontare in maniera incontrovertibile il viaggio dei Magi. Una traduzione che sta curando un professore romano, Massimo Oldoini, docente di Letteratura mediolatina all’Università La Sapienza, per conto dell’editore Ciolfi. La piccola ma dinamica casa editrice ha sede proprio a Cassino e, all’ombra della celeberrima Abbazia, Bruno Ciolfi continua a sfornare volumi che di commerciale avranno anche poco, nel senso di grande diffusione tra il pubblico, ma il cui valore culturale è inestimabile. «Volevamo uscire proprio per l’Epifania, ma per la traduzione di questo libro - spiega Bruno Ciolfi - occorrerà ancora un mese di tempo, perché abbiamo fatto un doppio lavoro, prima dall’originale arabo-persiano al latino e ora in italiano. È un testo che la Chiesa in qualche modo aveva emarginato, sottovalutando la figura dei Magi, e che mai nessuno prima d’ora s’era preso la briga di tradurre, ma del resto noi siamo abituati a questo genere di lavori e ci gratificano i riconoscimenti degli studiosi, soprattutto quelli del Medioevo, e di un pubblico di addetti ai lavori, assai còlto. Nei nostri libri non diamo solo le fonti, ma anche le traduzioni con testo a fronte in italiano. Sa, il latino purtroppo oggi non lo conosce quasi più nessuno...».vai al sito:
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