The village of S. Stefano di Sessanio is between most evocative of the National Park of the Gran Sasso and Mounts of the Laga; constructed completely in limestone stone white woman, it is considered between beautifulst of Abruzzi for the values acclimatizes them, for the architectonic honor and the for of the style homogeneity.The loggiati ones from the elegant line, bloomed the portali disposed to arc with formelle belong to the dominion of the Medici , the windows in stone fine worked and decorated from expert hands, the wonderful double lancet windows and the consoles of the balconies.Existing true and also own it does not wall of defense, in the village there are buildings without solution of continuities that had the function of house-wall, as they show also the rare and small windows. Covering the tortuose narrow lanes of the 1400's rooms admire, between which the House of the Captain and the going back Tower to the 1300's from whose top opens to the look a panorama that embraces goes them to them of Tirino and the Aterno.
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