venerdì 29 maggio 2015

Culture religieuse méridionale: les manuscrits et leur contexte artistique

Fanjeaux, 51e colloque du 29 juin au 2 juillet 2015.

Si les manuscrits méridionaux ont souvent occupé une place importante dans les Cahiers de Fanjeaux - notamment lorsqu’il s’est agi d’étudier le gothique méridional (Cahier 9), la religion populaire (11), la liturgie (17), les prophéties (27), les livres et les bibliothèques (31) - le colloque de 2015 les met pour la première fois au premier plan, en s’intéressant à leur décor et à leur contexte artistique. Un contexte en mouvement, entre la Catalogne, le Midi et l'Italie, grâce aux mécènes et aux artistes en déplacement ; un contexte varié, défini par leurs détenteurs ou leurs commanditaires : les prélats, les membres des ordres religieux, les milieux juifs ou encore des anonymes. La typologie des livres décorés distinguera les manuscrits liturgiques, dont certains sont notés, les livres de prière chrétiens et juifs, les livres juridiques et des textes spécifiquement méridionaux tels le commentaire du Beatus ou le Breviari d'amor. on n’oubliera pas que de nombreux manuscrits ont été victimes de destruction pour ne survivre qu'à travers des fragments. La qualité du décor peint et sa quantité font des manuscrits méridionaux, comme partout ailleurs, des objets d’une valeur culturelle éminente. Parmi les questions qui seront abordées, on s’interrogera sur la possibilité de reconnaître des centres de production et d’identifier des artistes, ainsi que sur les facteurs qui ont gouverné le mouvement et la transmission des manuscrits, en proposant de nouvelles pistes de recherche.


martedì 5 maggio 2015

Third Medieval Workshop in Rijeka

Department of History of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka in collaboration with the Department of Historical Research of the Institute of Historical and Social Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb are pleased to invite proposals to the “Third medieval workshop” in Rijeka. The Workshop is planned as a gathering of young medievalists at the early stages of their career, doctoral and postdoctoral students. Workshop follows upon the previous ones, which makes this an opportunity for further networking and presentation of research within the community of medievalists.
The Workshop will be held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka (University Campus at Trsat) on 16th October 2015. The Workshop is divided in two segments. The first part is reserved for presenting current research, while the emphasis of the second part will be placed on thematic workshops based on a specific field in medieval research. The co-located workshops are intended to provide a forum for researchers to address and exchange positions on the wide span of topics. These thematic workshops will be led by Croatian and international scholars - experts in the aforementioned fields.
General intention is to present new methodologies in the research of various aspects of Middle Ages. How to apply: 1. Individual papers: Speakers are asked to submit the title of the presentation and a short abstract (up to 500 words). Upon the acceptance the organizers assort the presentation within thematically related session and provide a moderator. 2. Thematic session: Several speakers can, according to their interests, organize and submit a session. The application must contain the title of the session, names of each speaker, titles of each presentation and short abstracts for every paper (up to 500 words). For the thematic sessions the organisers can provide moderators, but session organisers also have the option to choose their own moderator.
For the second part of the congress there is no need to apply in advance for thematic workshops, as the attendance is open to all participants. No registration fee.
Please confirm your participation by July 1st 2015. on Organisers: Kosana Jovanović Department of History of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka Suzana Miljan Department of Historical Research of the IHSS of the CASA in Zagreb Kontakt info: e-mail:, Web: