giovedì 27 dicembre 2007

Natale Medievale

Natale Medievale di Otranto
Tutto il centro storico e le maggiori piazze della città ritorneranno indietro nei secoli, ricreando la magica atmosfera del Natale Medievale. Nell’aria si respirerà l’odore del pane appena sfornato, delle caldarroste e dei dolci tipici natalizi.

Le strade si popoleranno di botteghe artigiane degli antichi mestieri (l’oste, l’impagliatore, il tintore, le ricamatrici, gli arcieri ed i costruttori di armature e di usberghi, il fabbro, gli speziali ecc...).
Ci saranno accampamenti di cavalieri teutonici e templari, falconieri che sosteranno sulla terrazza della Torre Matta.
All’entrata del centro storico San Francesco d’Assisi dialogherà con il lupo e reciterà il cantico delle creature.
Nella piazza dell’Immacolata ci saranno Erode ed Erodiade che assistono alla danza dei 7 veli di Salomè e di altre odalische.
L’ultimo giorno ci saranno i tre Re Magi, in groppa ai loro cammelli, che porteranno a Gesù Bambino oro incenso e mirra.
Tutti i figuranti indosseranno abiti risalenti al periodo storico.
Lungomare Terra d’Otranto, Centro Storico e maggiori piazze:
29/12/2007 - orario 17.00-22;
30/12/2007 - orario 10-22;
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martedì 25 dicembre 2007

Noel Medieval

Marchè de Noel Medieval
Créée en 1978, l’Association des Amis des Vieilles Pierres pour la Sauvegarde de RODEMACK s’est donnée comme objectifs la réhabilitation et l’animation du patrimoine local.
Depuis sa création, une succession de chantiers d’insertion et de jeunes bénévoles a permis la réhabilitation d’une grande partie des fortifications extérieures, des tours de flanquement, mais aussi des travaux intra–muros. D’autre part, des manifestations culturelles très fortes ont été créées : « les Créations Théâtrales » ont été lancées,«Rodemack Cité Médiévale en Fête » qui fêtera sa XXVème édition en 2004, et « les Palettes du Patrimoine » sur les Journées des Monuments Historiques, qui ont pris le relais du « Symposium de Peinture » qui avait été lancé en 1991.

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mercoledì 19 dicembre 2007

Medieval Christmas

Medieval Christmas: a tale
Our word Christmas is derived from the Middle English usage "Christ's Mass," and central to the celebration of the Nativity was the liturgical activity which had been established by the year 600, and did not change in the Middle Ages. In Medieval England there were, in fact, three Masses celebrated on Christmas Day. The first and most characteristic was at midnight (the Angel's Mass), catching up the notion that the light of salvation appeared at the darkest moment of the darkest date in the very depth of winter. The second Christmas Mass came at dawn (the Shepherd's Mass), and the third during the day (the Mass of the Divine Word). The season of Advent, the forty days of leading up to Christmas, was being observed in the Western Church by the year 500. St. Nicholas was a very popular Medieval saint, and his feast day came in Advent (6 December), but he did not play his part in Christmas as Santa Claus until after the Reformation.Also important in the celebration of Christmas was the banquet, which necessarily varied in sumptuosness with the resources of the celebrants. The menu varied with soups and stews, birds and fish, breads and puddings, but a common element was the Yule boar, an animal for those who could afford it or a pie shaped like a boar for more humble tables. Churches and houses were decorated with ivy, mistletoe, holly, or anything green, which remained up until the eve of Candlemass. The gift-giving of the season was represented by the New Year Gift, which continued a tradition of Roman origin. The later Christmas present was not part of a Medieval Christmas. The sorts of things that people might have done to entertain themselves at Christmas apart from eating is succintly summarized in a letter written by Margaret Paston on Christmas Eve 1459 after she had inquired how her Norfolk neighbour, Lady Morley, had conducted her household in mourning the previous Christmas, just after Lady Morley had been widowed:

"...there were no disguisings [acting], nor harping, luting or singing, nor any lewd sports, but just playing at the tables [backgammon] and chess and cards. Such sports she gave her folk leave to play and no other."
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lunedì 17 dicembre 2007

Medieval Russia

Medieval Russia

A casual glance at the map of Europe and Asia will reveal quite clearly certain of the physical conditions under which Russia has developed. Compared with England, France, or Spain in point of size, what a vast extent of territory is embraced by a single state: running east and west, from the Baltic to the Sea of Kamchatka; and north and south, from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, the Caspian, and, as it may some day appear, the waters of the Indian Ocean. A heritage truly imperial, and offering a greater expanse of continuous land than any other empire. Examined more closely, other features in contrast to the states of western Europe begin to appear. The mountains of Continental Europe lie for the most part in the western and southern quarters. But easterly from the Carpathians, the Continent broadens out into a huge monotonous plain, watered by rivers of considerable length. And were the Ural Mountains correctly appreciatedÑtheir blackness on the ordinary map making them seem much more formidable than they really are, being for the most part only hillsÑit would appear that this vast plain extends almost uninterruptedly from shore to shore of the several bodies of water mentioned above. Scarcely within this enormous expanse of level country is there to be found any one feature which offers itself as a natural frontier or boundary line. The essential unity of the whole, physically, seems to have contributed in no small measure to the political unity which is now fast being achieved.
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Medieval Medecine

Medieval Medecine

The history of medicine, perhaps more than that of any other discipline or skilled occupation, illuminates broad social and cultural patterns of the period.To a medieval mind, the distinction between natural and supernatural was not always very clear. This shows in the perception of the causes of ailments, and the obscure treatments thought to help sick patients. The Catholic Church played a large role in development as well as management of medieval medicine. It contained it within bounds of one religion, disallowing most pagan healing practices.The underlying principle of medieval medicine were four humors - black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. The balance of these four allowed for the well-being of a person.Medicine in itself developed. Based on some Greek and Near Eastern principles and embellished with the discoveries of the Middle Ages, it set the foundation for contemporary medicine.Medieval medicine, for most part, was very forgiving about who practiced and who healed. Clergy and laymen, men and women, were allowed to practice medicine. The extent of this practice was not limited all throughout the Middle Ages. The final unification came with the Black Death, when the need for doctors to heal the sick was stronger than any prejudice against their origin.The education system has developed in order to teach law and medicine to the willing. Guilds were created to allow crafts to prosper. The middle class of the society was in the making.